By Rev. Steve Rambo
Science of Mind Archives Board Member and Collections Committee Chair

I am going on record here in the Science of Mind Archives and Library blog – I love being a religious scientist.  Apparently, I’ve been one all my life.  Even before I knew what is was, even before I knew I was practicing the principles of the Science of Mind and Spirit.  My dad used to call me stubborn.  I have come to realize I simply had a knowing about things and held onto the knowing until the thing I believed in became a reality.  (Note to dad: You’re right, I’m a bit stubborn too.)

One of the things I love about being a religious scientist is getting to experiment with spiritual and mental principles. Now, admittedly, there are times these experiments can be challenging, even a tad daunting – just keepin’ it real here folk.

When it comes to physical principles, I’m right there in total acceptance and practice is easy.  Aunt Ruth’s favorite China tea cup slips off the counter, I turn into the shortstop I always wanted to be and snatch that puppy from its fall before it gets near the tiled kitchen floor.  I have a very healthy respect for electricity, especially after that shock I took trying to replace a bad dimmer without cutting off the circuit – my electrician friend did it with such skill and finesse.  Guess that’s why he’s an electrician and I’m his customer.  I get gravity or rather it gets, holds me.  I enjoy electricity and all its benefits.  And the same level of use, benefit and enjoyment awaits the total acceptance of spiritual principles.

So, let’s get real and get busy about the spiritual principle – Oneness. I’m extending an invitation to you to experiment with Oneness.  Here’s what I mean.  Our teaching tells us that God is all there is.  There is no spot where God is not.  I’m sure you have your favorite phrase to illuminate this idea.  Say it to yourself now and apply it to the Archives.  See the Science of Mind Archives and Library as a divine idea made manifest.  It too is a God expression.

My hypothesis awaiting your participation is that the Archives is not simply some website you visit; this collection, this super cool storehouse is yours. Be One with it as the stewards of the Archives continue the process of making it better, more useful and accessible.  Make this One community working as a unified consciousness toward the goal of locating, organizing, preserving, and sharing records, resources, materials, and documents that support the activities and expressions of Science of Mind®.

What ways might the Archives better serve our shared interests?  What would you like to see here?  Who has been an important contributor on your journey into the teachings of the Science of Mind? Who or what would you’d like to know see included in the collection?  How can the website serve us more effectively?  Be more user-friendly? More accessible?

Send your awesome ideas to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. “>   Put “Oneness” in the subject line.  We’ll periodically check the progress our experiment and report the findings here in future blogs.   Remember, there is One Life, that Life is God.  That is your life, my life and the life of the Archives.  We are One!