Tithing is a GOOD Thing!

December 2016 Blog
By Rev. Dr. Marilyn Leo
Founder, Board Member and Chair of the Board of Governors
Science of Mind Archives & Library Foundation

Ernest Holmes explained the concept of tithing very succinctly when he wrote, “Everything in nature moves in circles. What goes out must come back. Unless the seed is sown it cannot bear fruit, there must be planting time for every harvest. Who gives all, receives all. Who refuses to give, limits the possibility of the greater Good returning to him. The seed that is planted must correspond to that which we desire in our experience. If we want more money, we must give more money; if we desire more time, we must tithe more time; if we want more love, we must love more.”

Some of us have been brought up since childhood with the knowledge and concept of tithing – what it is and why this is a tool toward prosperity. It is and was practiced by such people as the Rockefeller family, the founders of Quaker Oats, Heinz and Kraft.  Tithing is the giving of one-tenth of our income back to the source of ALL supply.  For many of us this may be a real challenge to give ten-cents out of every dollar we receive. But if we do we will find that it becomes easier as time goes by. Our faith expands our consciousness, in turn creating a greater vision for ourselves, and our lives.

In her book Open Your Mind To Prosperity, Catherine Ponder states: “To get spiritual help from one place and tithe to another is like going to one doctor for help and trying to pay another; or like eating in one restaurant, yet paying for your meal in another.”

Many of us wait until the end of the year (now) to see how much income we had and then begrudgingly fulfill a ten-percent tithe obligation for tax deductions; where as if we were to give with an open heart of joy throughout the year we would most likely find our income has increased more than we realized. Our Good comes in many ways and avenues, and I find that giving with gratitude at the moment is more fulfilling than waiting to see what I’m going to get because I gave!

So here is my suggestion: Begin a program within your mind. Each moment of the day give thanks. When you receive a gift, a meal from a friend, or a check, right then set aside your tithe and share your thanksgiving with the source of ALL Good. What has been your source of inspiration? Perhaps you want to make a list of where your tithes will go. Most importantly WHENEVER, WHEREVER AND WHATEVER you give, give JOYOUSLY. This is not a duty or obligation it is your gift to return to the Universe a portion of what It has given to you.

And now for a Christmas and year-end gift to you from Ernest Holmes

The following was published in the 1955 Affiliated Churches of Religious Science News-letter, Issue 4, Volume II, Christmas Issue.


Dr. Ernest S. Holmes


As the Old Year passes into the New we are reminded of the unborn moment from which everything emerges. The unconditioned whole which constantly takes new form in our lives. Let us then, move forward with new hope and fresh inspiration to a greater influx of divine Power flowing through everything we do, say and think. The Eternal goes forth anew into self-expression through each one of us and beholds Its own glory and delight through our will and imagination. It is our will to become the instrumentality of a power greater than we are. This Power at all times must be to us exactly what we are to It in all of our lives and all of our endeavors.

May new vision and high inspiration attend us on the pathway of unfoldment. May Love, Tolerance and Good Will bind us together with the unbreakable cords of Faith and Affection while Joy takes us by the hand and leads us into the pathways of Peace.

My deep affection goes out to all of you in appreciation for the kindness you have shown me throughout the years – without which I would have had neither the courage nor the vision to continue. May the New Year bring to you the fulfillment of your hearts desire.
