
This is the transcript of Dr. Holmes talk at the Beverly Theater on October 24, 1954.

Quote:  “I have a great conviction that we all have what I call a spiritual double. It is myself. I can’t see how I could get here if it weren’t there. I can’t believe that unless it accompanies me through life I would be anything other than the result of things that happen and I know that I am more than the result of things that happen or I couldn’t let them happen and know they are happening. Something can’t happen to nothing. It is a fallacious argument. Something can happen to something. No matter how it looked, there is somebody at home or the first reaction wouldn’t have come and there is the actor before the action. There is the creator before the created and I believe definitely that there is an invisible myself perfect, complete, whole, wholly Divine and that it is tied to the Creator of all that is and that it stands in a unique relationship.”