
This is a transcript of Ernest Holmes’ radio show from November 26, 1950.

What, then, would be the best mental attitude to assume if we wish to cooperate with nature in seeing to it that we maintain a healthy and vigorous physical body? It seems to me it would be to have a deep conviction that every organ, every action, and every function of this physical body is rooted in Divine Life; that the circulation of our blood is the circulation of Life through us, and that this intricate network which we call the nervous system is really a divine instrument which, if kept in tune with Life, will establish harmony in the entire body.

Suppose we accustom ourselves to saying each evening when we retire: “l am surrendering my physical body into the Divine keeping. I sleep in peace, wake in joy, and live in a consciousness of good. Throughout the night, nature is rebuilding every atom of my being after the pattern of a Divine perfection that exists at the center of everything. For God is right where I am, working in and through me now.”

Let’s see if we cannot make it a habit to say each morning on waking: “This is the day which God has made, and it is a good day. All the energy, all the power, and all the enthusiasm that belong to Life are mine today.” And before each meal, suppose we bless our food and mentally agree with it. And when the day’s work is over let’s learn to give thanks for the sustaining power of the Spirit which has kept us throughout the day. This simple practice, sincerely used, will do more for us in sustaining physical health than anything else we can do.

We all wish to be happy. Enthusiasm and happiness take the weight out of things. A lack of enthusiasm in life makes everything heavy and dull. You and I can be happy today if we wish to be happy. Happiness can become a habit if we practice it long enough. So each day let’s learn to tell ourselves what we have to be happy and grateful for. We should be happy that we are alive and grateful that we have the opportunity to sing, to dance, and to be glad.

Too often the duties of adult life stifle the spontaneous happiness that we find in the child who hasn’t yet learned to be afraid of anything. And so we long to return to the days of childhood, days when the future seemed bright with hope and the present filled with joy.