
This is the transcript of Dr. Holmes talk at the Beverly Theater on October 3, 1954.

Note that the audio files of this talk were used as different tracks on the audio CD issued in the early 2000s under the name “Live Again Volume 2”. The opening treatment or meditation is Track 4 under the name “I Accept the Answer Now”, while the entire talk is Track 6 under the title of “One with a Great Reality”.

Quote:  “I was treating for something the other day and the thought flashed across my mind, well, this is unimportant. It was just some little thing I wanted to happen, it was of no great importance to the world nor to me but it would please me for it to happen and the thought came to my mind. Suppose somebody should ask you, “How do you know that God knows or the Law knows what you want or the answer?” Isn’t that interesting? Haven’t you asked yourself questions? Everybody does. I thought that is a good one, somebody will ask me, that I know. And then I got to thinking and I said, Well, I will answer this way: there is only One Mind and I am using it. That Mind is spontaneous..”