
The Bible says, “Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus.” The word Jesus is a name like John, while the word Christ refers to the Enlightened, the Divine Presence or the spiritual principle within man. Jesus more than any other person in all history, embodied the exalted idea of the Christ. He fully recognized his Divine nature and he taught others the fact that every man is a God-created individual, an expression of the One Life, an individualization of the One Mind.

It is wonderful to celebrate the birth of Jesus, the great way shower, whose declarations and demonstrations of spiritual truth have been a guide for humanity through the centuries. But is there a significance here that we may have overlooked? Does not the potential for a fuller experience and expression of the Divine also reside within each one of us and but awaits a renewing of our mind, a new realization within our own consciousness that we too are a part of God? We need to celebrate not only the birth of Jesus but the birth within us of a greater awareness that we are the beneficiaries of the Divine Givingness.

As we come to open up our thought to a greater acknowledgment and acceptance of the Divinity that resides within us, we find ourselves on the pathway to achieving the purpose for which we were created, to express the nature of the Divine, the Source of our being.