
Jesus never would have healed the sick unless he had known that disease is unnatural to the Spirit. He would not have fed the multitude unless he had known that Divine Providence ordained that the food we need would be provided. Jesus never would have forgiven people of their sins to the last moment of their human existence as he did with one who died with him on another cross unless he had known that the eternal Heart forever forgives.

Jesus would not have said to this man: “Today shalt thou be with me in paradise,” unless he knew that all men are immortal and destined to live forever somewhere. Jesus, the kindest soul who ever lived, would never have misled people by telling them that there is a Power for good, greater than they are, that they can use, when he said that it is done unto you as you believe, unless he had known that there is a spiritual law that can be used for every good purpose.

Jesus had no long drawn out dogma, no set of creeds. He was a person who was acquainted with God, who was able to feel and see God in everything and in everyone. We should return to the simple teaching of this Divine Man who gave the world the greatest truths it has ever had.

Jesus taught that there is justice in the universe without judgement; that we are all blessed by the good we do, and that we are stopped when we seek to do evil. He knew that everyone must come to see this. Just as surely as you and I live, the time will come when the whole thought of punishment in the hereafter will be obliterated from the human mind.

But how are we to balance this with justice? The answer is simple: While we cause others to shed tears, we ourselves shall shed them. This is punishment enough.

We cannot say to a person filled with hate that God forgives him in his hate. We can only say: God is love. You are missing something; you are standing in the shadow of a great reality. Forgive, and you will be forgiven.