Hollywood and Religious Science The Famous Who Found Their Way through Science of Mind By Jeannette Quinn Bisbee Ernest Holmes and Science of Mind has been a spiritual pathway for millions of people around the world. But some very famous people—artists of every...
Snapshots of Religious Science History: Chronicles of Religious Science How Religious Science Split Up and Came Back Together as Centers for Spiritual Living By Jeannette Quinn Bisbee For those of you who treasure the history of Religious Science and were extremely...
Your Donations Make an Old Classic Available Once Again! Extension Study Course in the Science of Mind, Volume One (Lessons 1-12) By Jeannette Quinn Bisbee If you were at Asilomar 2013, you might have been lucky enough to purchase our newest publication, the updated...
Friends of Ernest A New Program to Support Your ArchivesAs a loyal friend and frequent visitor to the Science of Mind Archives website, you have undoubtedly experienced the peace, joy, and healing power that comes from practicing Science of Mind principles. And you...
Another Great Oral History Recorded Barbara Fuller, 92-Year-Old, Takes Us Back in Time By Jeannette Quinn Bisbee Religious Science as an Institute, as a religion, as a church wasn’t built just by Ernest Holmes. Nor, was it built just by the ‘famous’ of Religious...
Ernest Holmes, The Man by Reginald C. Armor Ernest’s Closest Confidante Shares His Stories By Jeannette Quinn Bisbee Here is a wonderful, hidden gem to be found in the Archives. I thought I had read everything written about Ernest Holmes, except for the biography of...